Painting course, Prof. Ruf; 1st year Bachelor in Architecture - cantine di Mendrisio; wood

Painting course, Prof. Ruf; 1st year Bachelor in Architecture - cantine di Mendrisio; wood

Atelier Collomb; 2nd year Bachelor in Architecture; study of Mendes da Rocha's Casa Butanta; model of the negative; glycerine

Atelier Collomb; 2nd year Bachelor in Architecture; study of Mendes da Rocha's Casa Butanta; model of the negative; glycerine

Atelier Collomb; 2nd year Bachelor in Architecture; music house - left: model in foam, right: model in plexiglass 

Atelier Collomb, 2nd year Bachelor in Architecture; university a St. Andrew's, situation model: wax

EM2N Architects internship; situation model of a competition in Munich; Styrofoam

EM2N Architects internship; situation model of a competition in Munich; Styrofoam

Atelier L architects; 3rd year Bachelor in Architecture; situation model of Lausanne; housing complex; cardboard and wood

Atelier L architects; 3rd year Bachelor in Architecture; model 1:20 of two sectioned buildings; wood

Structure in wood course Prof. A. Frangi; 3rd year Bachelor in Architecture; study of the Tanikawa House structure; wood

Structure in wood course Prof. A. Frangi; 3rd year Bachelor in Architecture; study of the Tanikawa House structure; wood

Atelier Aires Mateus; 3rd year Bachelor in Architecture; music house; wood and textile

Atelier Aires Mateus; 3rd year Bachelor in Architecture; music house; wood and textile

Atelier E2A; 1st year Master in Architecture; situation model of New York; wood

Atelier E2A; 1st year Master in Architecture; culture center; structural model; wood

Atelier Nunes Gomes; 1 st year Master in Architecture; natural pool; Styrofoam, wax, wood, plaster 

Atelier Nunes Gomes; 1 st year Master in Architecture; natural pool and path; Styrofoam, wax, wood, plaster 

Digital tools course Prof. Gay; 2nd year Master in Architecture; pavilion; cardboard

Digital tools course Prof. Gay; 2nd year Master in Architecture; pavilion; cardboard

Structure and mathematics course Prof. Monotti e Prof. Venzi; 2nd year Master in Architecture; treehouse; structural model; wood

Structure and mathematics course Prof. Monotti e Prof. Venzi; 2nd year Master in Architecture; treehouse; structural model; wood

Atelier E2A; 2nd year Master in Architecture (diploma); situation model Cagliari; wood

Atelier E2A; 2nd year Master in Architecture (diploma); port authority in Cagliari; structural model; wood

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